Book & aircraft design

Making books is what we do, but we do more than that. A very cool thing happened when the Belgian Air Force’s 1 Squadron asked our help for the design of an F-16A MLU celebrating the unit’s 105th anniversary. We reworked the squadron’s logo of the thistle on the vertical tail and designed a tartan design for the ventral fins. Look closely, can you see our logo?

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Restoring a Starfighter

Supporting restoration projects.

For our publication on the F-104 Starfighter – DH-025 – we had a lot of help from the Dutch Starfighter Foundation. The volunteers of this organisation do whatever they can to bring an F-104 back to airworthy condition and for this,they need all the help they can get. This is why we decided to donate some books to them. If you want to support them financially, you can donate to them or by our book directly from them.

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Aircraft Carrier Series

Just months before the Covid-pandemic hit the world, we had the possibility to visit the Spanish assault ship & aircraft carrier Juan Carlos I. Our photographers Gert Trachez and Kris Christiaens had a blast during their 4-day visit aboard. It resulted in DH-S001, our first book a new aircraft carrier series. During the following two years, it was impossible to visit carriers, but in the near future, we hope to continue the series. So keep watching these pages for news on that!

AH-64 Apache in action

Probably one of the coolest helicopters around. If you see one coming, run away! Fast, agile and capable of carrying a busload of weapons. Our book on the Apache attack helicopter shows every detail, from the fuselage with all the access panels open to the vertical tail with the tail rotor and the wings with their different pylons and weapons. We show you the defence systems with which the helicopter is equipped as well as a very close look at the cockpit. As is tradition in our books, an extensive maintenance chapter is included in this book,

showing otherwise hidden details. It is a tribute to all the mechanics, technicians, software specialists and engineers that keep the helicopter in perfect shape. When it comes to action, there are some sick photos in this book of Apaches during missions. Low level at high speed, making rolls while avoiding ground fire, hovering behind the trees in an ambush… With photos of Apaches of the USA, UK, The Netherlands, Greece, Israel, Japan, India, Indonesia, Qatar, Singapore, Taiwan and South Korea.

The other Hawk

With our book on the BAE Systems Hawk released – DH-033 – you might think “Hey, what about the T-45 Goshawk? That’s a Hawk too”. We didn’t forget about this version of the jet though, especially because it looks really cool with that heavy landing gear and arrestor hook. We’ve already started planning a book on the T-45 so, it’s just a matter of time before it will be in your collection too. At least, that’s what we hope!

Vulcan works

Remember the days when a group of volunteers launched a project torestore an Avro Vulcan back to airworthy condition? And how great it was when it did fly for a few years? And how rough it was when it didn’t anymore? Fortunately, there are still a lot of people that have a warm heart for the mighty delta in the UK. Here’s a photo we took when we visited Southend on Sea, home of Vulcan XL426. Every now and then, a photoshoot is organised, featuring the fantastic jet.

New Helicopter for Belgium

Retiring the Agusta A109.

In 1988, the Belgian Air Force ordered the Agusta A109 light helicopter, which was used in several roles: as a ground-attack helicopter, Medevac and light utilities helicopter. However, more than 35 years later, it is time to start replacing it and although it isn’t officially announced yet, according to sources the new helicopter for the Belgian Air Force will be the H145, of which 15 will be operated by the Air Force and 5 more by the Belgian Police.

Aircraft of the Belgian Air Force

We don’t just make our own books, we occasionally also make books for other editors or for air forces. One of our recent big projects was for the Belgian Air Force: a 284 page hardcover book that shows all the military aircraft that flew in the Belgian colours. The history of each type is brought in 3 languages – English, French & Dutch – shown by photos, many of which have never been published before. Of each type, detailed profile drawings are included, made specifically for this book. If you would like a copy, we can help you. Cost is 45 euro + pp.

If you have a book project that you want us to help you with, don’t hesitate to get in touch!

Typhoon in action

Potent double delta.

We released our book on the Eurofighter Typhoon in 2019 – DH-006 – and we sold out the second run of the book recently, but that doesn’t mean we’re not still very much impressed by the jet. Standing next to the Typhoon, you realise just how awesome it is – and how high the cockpit is. We plan to reprint the book soon, so let us know if you are looking for a copy of it. Keep on photographing it !!

AW101 replaces the Sea King

Norwegian Rescue.

Recently one of our photographers – Fredrik – had the chance to participate in the last flight of the Sea King helicopters in use with the Norwegian Air Force. Some of the photos he took in flight, you can see in our 180-page book on the Sea King – DH-035. He was also able to make some cool photographs of the helicopter that has replaced it: the AgustaWestand AW101 Merlin.

And what an impressive beast it is!

Dutch Historic Flight

Supported by Duke Hawkins

We got in contact with the Dutch Historic Flight a few years ago when we were working on our first two books in the Duke Hawkins Classic Series, on the Spitfire and the T-6. When these two books we printed, we donated books copies to the organisation, based at Gilze Rijen in The Netherlands, to help them create funds for their future plans. Taking care of historic aircraft is expensive, you’all ! We will continue to support them and feature some of their aircraft in future books!

France buys more Rafales

January 2023 and France’s Armed forces announced that it has ordered another 42 Rafales in a deal worth over 5 billion Euro. With the Future Combat Air System – the replacement for the Rafale, about to be build by France and Germany – not expected to enter service somewhere between 2045 and 2050, the newly ordered Rafales will make sure that France’s aerial defence will stay strong. This will bring the number of Rafales ordered by France to 234.

The Rafale entered the French Navy in 2004 and the Armée de l’Air in 2006. It is also in service with many other air forces, such as those of Greece, Egypt, Croatia, India and Qatar. At the moment of the announcement, over 260 of the type are on order, of which 80 are to fly in the colours of the United Arab Emirates Air Force and 42 in those of the Indonesian Air Force. Who has seen the Rafale in action during an airshow, knows that it is just an awesome fighter jet!

Navy Lightning

Trials at sea.

When you get the chance to visit an aircraft carrier, even for a short time, you don’t think, you go! Early 2023, we got that chance and even better, it was just the moment that a squadron of F-35Cs was performing trials abaord the USS Abraham Lincoln. It is my favorite version of the Lightning, with its folding wings, arrestor hook and strengthened landing gear

Avro Lancaster

Representing WW2 history.

Philip Stevens, one of our most talented photographers, has specialised in making photographs of low-flying aircraft. He is the author of a book on the matter, that explains the aircraft enthusiast how those very difficult, but highly spectacular photographs are made. While most of his photographs are made of fast moving jets, every now and then, he gets the chance to photograph historic aircraft flying low. Like this Battle of Britain Avro Lancaster, one of only two airworthy of the type in the world. If you see it at an airshow, enjoy it, it is a flying heritage.

Navy Wings

Living history

Based at Naval station Yeovilton in the southwest of the UK, Navy Wings is one of the most active organisations flying historical aircraft. A visit to their hangar is going to make your day: airworthy aircraft are parked next to aircraft being restored or overhauled. One of the most recent ones is this Supermarine Seafire. It is a living organisation, with the Sea Vixen that was sold after a wheels-up landing, the Sea Hawk being restored or the Gannet being taken on in the collection.

C-5M Galaxy

Flying warehouse

The first flight of the Galaxy took place on the 30th of June in 1968. That is 5,5 decades ago. And it will continue to fly with the US Air Force for a long time. Did you know that it is one of the very few aircraft that has been operated from every continent in the world, even Antarctica? And did you know that the paint on the aircraft weighs more than 1 ton? With the introduction of the new General Electric F138-GE-100 engines, the take off run of the Galaxy is 30% shorter and the climb rate to initial altitude is 38% higher.

Phantom in my mind

We’ll reprint, promise.

DH-015 is one of the biggest books in our series, with 196 pages and over 500 photos in it. It was published for the first time in 2020 but has been sold out for a while – thank you, thank you for buying it. We will reprint the book, but because it is such an extensive one, it is quite expensive. If you would like to have a copy of this book, let us know and we’ll put you on the list for the first ones to get it.

Team BD09

Volunteers keep Belgian Mirage 5 alive

Ever since we made our book on the Mirage III/5/50, we keep in touch with Team BD09, a group of volunteers that keep a two-seat Mirage 5 of the Belgian Air Force in near perfect condition. The team is located in St. Truiden in Belgium and hopes one day to get it in taxiing condition. In the mean time, people that are interested can visit the jet – and some others in their collection such as an F-104 – during one of the team’s events. You can even get into the cockpit and have a virtual flight!