The ultimate in paint masks
For some modellers, placing decals can be a challenge; silvering can mess up your model completely and leave you with a bad feeling for all the work you have done. Most modellers try to recreate an aircraft or a helicopter as realistic as possible. An alternative to decals is the use of masks. True, it takes more time and can be teadious, but with the right product, the result can be truly spectacular. The Belgian company 1ManArmy develops masking sets that are easy to use, extremely detailed and well researched. These sets, mostly for kits in 1/32 and 1/24, not only include the national markings and individual codes, but also the stencils! The photo below shows a close-up of Airfix’s excellent Mk.IX Spitfire in 1/24. Not a single decal has been used on the model, everything was done with masks, even the walkway markings and victory symbols.